Youth Beat Online Classes

FREE virtual workshops open to any Oakland youth— scroll down to see our course offerings this week!

Youth Beat is a hub for Oakland youth who are interested in the Creative Arts, specifically Film, Audio and Video production. While the COVID-19 pandemic has closed our schools for the rest of the semester, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn and get creative!

Here you will find FREE opportunities for any Oakland youth to drop in and expand your skills while sheltering in place. Each week throughout the remainder of the school year we will offer you a variety of classes, including film challenges, creative writing, special guest lectures, screenings with filmmakers Q&A and much more. All of our courses take place in ZOOM. If you are an OUSD student you are able to create a free account, you can also use it from your internet browser. Because of the unfortunate act of Zoom Bombing we are using heightened security to ensure our online classes are a safe and productive environment and are asking students who would like to participate to email us to receive the link to the class. If you or a supporting adult have any questions about the classes and how to use zoom, or if you know of an artist or filmmaker who would like to contribute to this list please email



Youth Beat Virtual Speaker Series

Industry Q&A with Pixar Technical Director David Luoh Wednesday 4/29 4:30-5:30

Email for zoom link.

David Luoh is a technical director at Pixar specializing for the last ten years in procedural environments and computer graphics, a fitting match for his mixed love of both the analytical and creative. Now he spends working hours building digital worlds of trees and cities, and the rest of his time messing around with film, design, and programming projects.

Special Event: Exclusive Online Screening of PAHOKEE


Email for a private link to watch the movie on your own time.  Then join us for a Q&A session w/Shakira Refos, the Education Outreach Manager at CFI. (Time/Date of Q&A TBD)

Pahokee is the feature debut of its directors Lucas, who was born in Brazil and raised in Mexico, and her partner, Bresnan. The pair filmed and worked in the community making shorts for years before entrenching themselves for this massive feat, and the casual acceptance of their presence helps Pahokee feel like something special. It’s an insight into the future of the country and the state, a rebuke to the assumption that rural farming communities are inherently white and a snapshot for this class of 2017 to revisit in the years to come.” – Xaque Gruber, Miami New Times

Monday, April 27

3:00-4:00 PM Weekly Film Challenge w/ Sydney

Please email for link to class

Each weekly film challenge begins with an overview of the structure of the challenge. For example the challenge may ask you to recreate a scene from a film or include a tracking shot and so on. The class will create a new short film each week with a screening session scheduled each Friday @3pm. You will need the ability to use the chat room.

Tuesday, April 28

11:00-12:00 PM Photography & Composition w/Alex

Please email to receive the link to the class.

Love photography? Want to take it to the next level? How you frame your shot is the placement and arrangement of visual elements within the frame. Jump in to learn all about composition in a variety of settings and with all kinds of subjects. This is an interactive class. The ability to see the screen is needed.

12:00-1:00 PM Photoshop w/Alex

Please email to receive the link to the class.

If you are an OUSD student you now have access to the full Adobe Creative Suite from home! So let's learn Photoshop! In this tutorial you will learn how to use the basic tools to edit a photo. You will need access to photoshop and a photo to edit.

Wednesday, April 29

11:00 AM-12:00 PM Creative Writing w/ Jared

Please email for link to class

We will do some exercises around morning pages to inspire writing at home that can bloom into creative projects. Ability to use the chat room is needed.

12:00-1:00 PM Welcome to the Film Set w/ Ram

Please email to receive a link to the class

This weekly workshop will explore what it's like to be part of a film crew, We will go over Crew Roles, Responsibilities, Directing Actors and the challenges of working on low/no budget productions vs. big budget productions. We will discuss how to be efficient and using what you have to make your production the best it can be. Each week we will go in depth on a single crew position and their relationships with the rest of the team.

2:30-3:30 PM Jump Start Your Career w/ Jake

Please email to receive a link to the class

This weekly career prep course will help you set career goals for yourself and connect you with resources to attain them. Expect guest lecturers from the media industry as well as help in identifying your career goals and creating the things you need to get a job in the media industry (resume, portfolio, website, etc.)

Thursday, April 30

12:30-1:30 PM Rhythm & Flow w/ Simoné

Please email to receive a link to the class

An introductory class that dives into rhythmic patterns and poetry structure while tapping into personal experiences to create imaginative art.

2:00-3:00 PM Stop Motion Animation w/ Thalia

Please email to receive a link to the class

We will test the app (Stop Motion Studio) out by animating a pencil moving from one side of the screen to the other side of the screen. Focus on onion skins and the capture button.
Required materials for each class: smart phone with Stop Motion Studio Downloaded, paper, pencil, markers/ colored media, objects you would like to animate.

Friday, May 1st

11 AM Screenwriting 101 w/Jared

Please email to receive a link to the class

This weekly class will provide some guidelines and practices derived from classic storytelling to help you more deeply appreciate film and TV and encourage you to write your own scripts.

12:30 PM R.I.S.E w/Simone

Please email to receive a link to the class

A safe space for young women to explore their self-identity and recognize their positive place in the world through mentorship, community building, and creative lifestyle workshops.

1:30 PM Editing with Adobe Premiere

Please email to receive a link to the class

Adobe Premiere is offering two months of free access to the Creative Cloud. Now is an excellent time to learn editing with the industry standard Adobe Premiere. In this class we will go over the main tools and interface. This is an ongoing class. You will need a computer and Adobe Premiere downloaded.