Client Name & Logo



A brief description of the project and what the client wanted.

Example: Northern California Grantmakers was about to distribute nearly 1 million dollars through their Generational Recovery Fund, a grant initiative supporting youth-serving organizations in the Bay Area. But for the first time ever, they were giving youth a voice in how this money should be distributed. In the midst of this effort, they reached out to YouthBeat for help with their media needs.

The media on the right can be an image or video depending on what makes most sense.



A brief description of the steps and process we took to make the client’s project a reality.

Example: Since the grant process had started two months prior, our creative team kicked into action, working with NCG to quickly develop a media plan. NCG wanted to empower youth in the creative process, so we decided to make a few different videos that would accomplish their goals while simultaneously alloing us to work with youth across both our filmmaking and animation programs.

The media on the left should be the final video.


THE IMPACT (delete section if we don’t have a student quote)


"Working on this project helped me express the reality of what it's like to grow up in Oakland. My goal as a director is to continue showcasing the stories that are constantly forgotten."

Shereny Barron, YouthBeat Pre-apprentice


THE PROCESS (BTS photos go below, delete section if we don’t have any)

Are you ready to start your project?

Client testimonial goes here. Delete if we don’t have one.
— Client Name, Organization Name

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